Don't worry, be happy
God afton denna stilla kvall i Portland. Carolyn och Jim har farit ivag pa cykelaventyr i Buthan, Jonny (Mr Sandwich) ar med vanner, Steven ar inte har sa Hulda (The Swedish Meatball) ar har med Elsa och Dorothy. Dagen har varit valdigt lugn, sovit ut, gjort lite laxor, Meatball har busat med Sandwich, tvattat och sen sag jag pa "The Dark Night" med Lilli som ar en annan utbytesstudent pa Wilson fran Tyskland. Filmen va helt okej, eller jag trodde den skulle vara mycket battre. Efter allt gott jag hort om den sa tycker jag nog inte att den va vard allt det dar. Visst filmen va lysande pa sa satt att den va bra gjord, bra skadespelare men alla flippa ut och slutet kom for snabbt, jag ville veta mer... Och ja, forsta Batman va battre enligt mig :) (nu kommer nog ingen halla med mig, iaf inte min kara kusin som var helt lyrisk over denna film, men men jag var glad over att jag sag den idag iaf)
Imorgon blir det SLY (St Luke Youth) klockan 9.45, gudtjanst och sen picknick i Gabriel Park. Och sen jag har mer laxor som maste goras innan skolveckan borjar. Och ja livet har ar riktigtriktigt bra :D Skolan rullar pa och jag far nya vanner varje dag kanns det som sa jag gillar det :) Sa ja forlat alla manniskor som jag inte svarat pa mail, facebook, bilddagboken och allt va det heter. Antingen har jag jattemycket saker att gora eller sa gor jag nanting annat an att sitta vid datorn, sa kann ingen kansla av "oh Hulda tycker inte om mig langre" for det vore dumt, for det gor jag ju inte :)
Min vecka har varit awesome! Har kommit in battre i skolan och lart kanna fler manniskor, vi har vunnit alla fotbollsmatcher (saklart), laxorna har inte varit hemska, jag har sett Portland Pilots spela; Universitetets damlag som ar sjukt bra, fick t om prata med coachen och en av spelare tack vare my secret contacts :D OCH! Hulda ska till St Peter den 22 november!
Livet ar gött :)
Nu ska jag inte sitta har och skriva massa mer, men allt ar bra med mig och har kommer tva bilder fran min och Hilarys kalaskuliga "byta klader dag" :)
Fore: Efter:
Till sist vill jag visa upp en fin bild som Jonny
hade som visningsbild pa facebook long time ago;
That's my brothers; John, Olov och Jonny. Och Steven ocksa! :D
Hade bra, nasta helg aker jag till California och halsar pa uncle John :)
Kramar fran Huldis
Pendelton Roundup Rodeo
Vi sag nar cowboysen hoppade runt pa deras hastar, fangade kalvar, kastades runt som trasdockor pa tjurar, sag pa en stor pjas om Pendeltons historia, disco i baskethallen efterat, uppstigning kl 5 nasta morgon for cowboy breakfast med pannkakor, stekt agg och skinka, sag pa paraden och gjorde roliga smeknamn etc.
Har ser ni allt underbart folk som var med pa resan;

Ja det far vara allt for nu, livet ar super bra :D men jag har borjat sakna filmjolk...
Goodnight and sweet dreams allihipa :)
Hulda :)
High School :D
Hola, Mi amo Hulda! Njaa, det stavas nog inte riktigt sadar men anda, jag har borjat pa spanska och det ar kul. Eller arligt talat sa gillar jag det for att vi har latta laxor, trevlig larare och ja gruppen duger fint. Va en vecka sen jag skrev pa bloggen nu, eller mer, har ingen fritid vill jag lova er sa jag kommer inte ha tid att uppatera sa mycket pa ett tag nu tyvarr forutom eventuellt pa helgerna. Men ja saker som har hant den senaste tiden ar:
- Sunriver forra helgen, superkul :D Vi padlade kajak, cyklade, sag pa film och spelade spel.
- Forsta fotbollsmatchen vann vi med 11-0 och darfor ska vi skriva ett brev till motstandarlaget och beklaga oss over att dom var sa daliga for vi vann med sa mycket ^^
- 3 september, first day of school...
- Since the school start I've had about 5 1/2 hours Algebra homework, atleast.
- Igar blev jag kidnappad till ett sleep over party med fotbollslaget och de skramde oss i skogen, skvatte vatten och mjol pa oss och ja det va som en valkommshalsning in i laget for mig och 5 andra. Riktigt roligt och overraskande :)
Oj det dar var inte sarskilt sammanhangande men ja jag vill bara saga att jag har det jattebra! Iborjan var det inte mycket att gora och jag hade en hel del hemlangtan men nu ar det sa bra :D Njuter av att vara har och har det valdigt fullt upp. Pa vardagarna ar det skola (5 minuter mellan varje klass och laxa i nastan varje amne, svenska skolan ligger lite efter ma jag saga...) direkt efter fotbollstraning, hem, duscha, ata + home work and good night!
Imorgon ska jag till kyrkan och traffa ungdomsgruppen jag komme vara med i :D och pa mandag borjar en ny vecka i High School med en Hulda till fragetecken pa mattelektionerna. Wilson ar jattebra, jag gillar det och har fatt massa nya vanner :)
Hopppas ni har det bra dar hemma! Love from happy Hulda
Yesterday they told us about what team we would be on, and I didn't make Varsity :/ But I didn't exept that either because if you are a senior you can olny play Varsity, and it was 15 seniors at the try outs, so it was only 3 places left for Varsity. And of course they didn't want an exchange student on Varsity, or I mean they took 2 juniors and one softmore, it is better if they take Amarican girls who will play Varsity next year too because I will just be here for a year... Kind of hard to explane but I think this was the best way, and Junior Varsity which I will play for is not bad either. I know more people there too and I will have more time to play so it'll be a lot of fun :) !
Before soccer practice that day Jonny (host brohaa nr 2) took me on a drive thrue Portland, or parts of Portland atleast, it is very big city... We went to "OMSI" (oregon museum of sience and industry) and walked around there. It was cool there actually :)
Now I'll have practice pretty soon, and well I write more later.
Take care, big hug from Portland :)
The week ends
No soccer try outs, so awesome :D So I and Lena went to "Washington Square Mall" for some shopping!
It was very sweet, bought some things and we just walked around and had a nice time :) And up here are some pictures from Apple store.
Then Steve (host brohaa) drove us to Lena's house and we played Wii and looked at some pics. Then they drove me home and now I'm sitting here and downloading some music to iTunes for my iPod which I bought two days ago :D Yestarday I saw the moovie "Wall-e", by Disney Pixar. It was really cute, it is about a robot who lives alone on the earth, and the earth is distroyed by the humans who have left the platnet for a "better" and more luxerius home out in the space. Wall-e is there to work with all junk that the people has left and he is collecting lots of things. One day another robot comes there and things changes...
It is an exellent kids moovie, and yes as you already have figured out it is about the envierment and the way humans live...
Tomorrow it'll be a pool party with Afs people :D So now it's time to get some nice sleep!
G'nighthugs, Hulda (:
The trip
Now I've been in the States for two days, but it feels much longer... And the journey from Sweden to the United States took a while too. It began the 13th of August, 3 in the morning when my mum and I woke up in Stockholm. We walked to the bus which would take us to Arlanda but missed it with a few seconds. Bad luck. But 15 minutes later a new bus came so it was no problems.
At Arlanda we took out my ticket and I said good bye to my mom :'( Then I walked to the gate and meet some nice Afs exchange students there. About half an hour later we walked in to the plane and we were ready to leave, but Air France didn't think the same way we did... Someone had checked in his or hers bag and then he or she had not borded, entered the plane. So everyone in the plane had to go out and show the staff which bag/bags which were theirs. 2 hours late the air plane finally flew away from Stockholm and Sweden. Bye bye :(
In Paris we were soposed to fly to Seattle with a plane which would go about one our after we had come to France, but because of the problems in Stockholm we came to late and the plane had left without us. So we walked to the staff and talked to them, and after about an hour there too we finally knew what would happen. We ate some food at the airport and after some more hours we went to the gate and we could enter the plane which this time would go to London. Unfortunately this plane was also late, so when we came to London we had to run to the next plane which would go to Seattle and we were soooooo close to miss it. And we did, or no, our bags did.
So after the ten hour flight we arrived to the United States of America, but our bags didn't. But we were actualy not so worried about it, we were just very happy to be in the States.
After another hour we could come to the hotel and get our rooms there. And there they told me about that I should get up 5 o'clock in the morning and be ready at 6 to go to the airport.
3 hours sleep is not that bad after all...
Next day I and some other Afs students went by bus to the airport, and from there we flew a nice flight for about half an hour to Portland. When we came there we couldn't found the people who were soposed to take care of us. No one.
But after a while we saw someone with a sign who had came to met us, our "Gate way family".
So now, Friday the 15th I'm sitting here on the computer and write about this unforgettable journey. I'm so happy to be here, the gate family is very nice and Monicka the other exchange student who is here from Costa Rica is very nice too. So don't be worried, everything is fine with me and the English works pretty good :)
I hope to get my bags today, but we'll see what happends...
Kramar från Huldis i Portland
Hej då.
Igår hade jag hej då "party", en trevlig kväll med lussebullar, pepparkakor och kladdkaka. Vi var 11 stycken och det var verkligen jätteroligt, tack för att ni kom! <3
Nu ska jag åka till Stockholm och säga hej då till konfa folket på Mathildas hejdåfest. Usch va sorgligt det kommer bli, två sorgliga dagar i rad och sen på onsdag åker jag kl 6.40.
Ska packa klart det sista nu, sen ska John laga mat och det blir min sista måltid för i år här i Mora.
Usa kommer bli fantastiskt kul, men just nu är allt depp. Det är inte roligt att säga hej då till vänner och familj som man älskar. Hade inte bra, ni ska ha det bästaste ever allihopa, jag kommer sakna er!
Kärlek! Hulda
The picture of the year <3

Many people have siblings. I am one of those. The difference is just that my siblings are so much better than others. Atleast they are for me.
I have no ide how I will survive without them for a year.
Hulda, John and Olov
Forever :) <3
Efter en trevlig vecka på Gotland är jag nu på Öland med familjen och mina kusinisar :) Vi har det mycket trevligt. Igår var vi och kollade på Victorias födelsedagsfirande med sittplats och allt. Artisterna var mycketmycket bra; Leona Lewis (som jag inte visste vem det var först, men när hon började sjunga så kännde man till hennes låtar), Brolle, Linda Bengtsing, Charlotte Perelli, E.M.D mm.
Det känns som E.M.D förföljer mig... Först såg vi dem på Allsång på Skansen, sen så var de på Gotland samtidigt som jag var där och nu på Victoriadagen! Och när vi kom till Öland i söndags, vilka var det som kom gående förbi oss när vi skulle åka upp i hissen? Jo hela E.M.D ligan som bor på samma hotell som oss... Sweet ^^
Och sen var nästan alla stipendiater här också; Carolina Klüft, Lars Frölander, Gunde Svan, Anja Pärson, J-O Wallner mm. Så det var mycket känt folk som var på hotellet o myste...
Programledaren var också riktigt bra, en riktigt lyckad kväll blev det med toppenväder :)
Men roligast av allt var när vi va och jagade kändisar i baren, då dök Alexander upp, en kille som jag hade haft på fotbollsskolan när jag var coach för Sverige på Vasalidens EM tunering. Jag sa lite förvånat: Nämen hej på dig! Och så pratade vi en stund. Efteråt visade det sig att han var barn till Torgny Mogren som har vunnit massa VM-guld i längdskidor på 80-talet. Och han stod ju bredvid sin son, men jag kände inte igen honom inte. Det var först efteråt jag fick reda på det. Heja Hulda som har koll på idrottsvärlden!
Haha, det var ändå lite kul iaf :)
Nu ska vi ner på stan och sen blir det å springa Victorialoppet lite senare, trevligt trevligt.
Hare fint!
Swedish is the language
Den här bloggen är typ död så jag hade tänkt att återuppleva den lite med ett inlägg på svenska. Orkar verkligen inte skriva nått mer på engelska nu.. Nåja, idag kommer det vara en lugn dag, packa lite kanske, ska nog ringa Ida eller the twins snart. På måndag drar jag till huvudstaden och blir där en vecka, efter det så blire ut på ännu mer äventyr :) Om ni vill mig nått så sms:a, datorn kommer jag inte ha tillgång till på ett bra tag nu..
Här kommer lite sommar bilder :) Ha en fin sommar nu och hoppas vi ses, jag åker till Usa om 46 dagar...
Kramar o kärlek, Huldis
From Tuesday until Friday were 9C at a class trip to Gothenburg. The weather was perfect, Liseberg was awesome, the shopping was amazing and the food was unhealthy. It was hilarious and we really had a good time!
I don't manage to write about everything but I can tell you a little bit...
At Liseberg we screwed around and we almost did every ride in the amusement park. And one of them was Flum ride of course. And what happens there?! My camera gets wet and doesn't want to work! So I was not happy at all and the day felt so unsuccessful and Liseberg wasn't fun anymore.
Until one thing happens!
It was a place where you could win big champagne bottles full of chocolate. To win you have to pick the right number that the wheel shows when it stops. I picked number 18 and didn't expect that much, just fun to see if I've got a chance. It was 99 numbers so I hoped the best and payed the girl 5 kr and the game began. And guess what?! I WON!! How lucky wasn't that?! So after that happy moment the rest of the day was awesome, and I felt very generous because I went around and let people I didn't even know taste my candy :)
And the next day my camera worked again. Thank God!
My class is the best. I wonder if I'll ever come to a class as good as mine again. The class trip was great and I miss it a lot right now. And Gothenburg! What a city, I love it! Idaho will move there when she gets older has she and I decided, so Gothenburg, I'm coming back, be sure!
Here are some pictures from the trip. Enjoy them and have a great day in the sun! B)

I forgot to tell that I met Lorents at Liseberg and that was very fun and nice :)
Peace Guys! :D
// Hulda
Rabarberpajs dagen ;)
Så himla härligt dag!. först vaknade jag (så klart) tittade ut och vad får jag se sol! Det har typ inte varit sol på hundra år! Men idag var gud glad, höhö! så jag klädde på mig sommar kläder men precis när jag skulle gå ut så började ös regna, haha vadå otur! Efter det kom Maggi hem till mig (: Med humöret uppe lät vi oss inte nerstämmas så vi tog ett stort big
mamma paraply och knallade i riktning mot huldas hus för att möta henne xD,
När vi äntligen kom ner till stan så gick vi runt i lite affärer, kett kul faktiskt.
Ja sedan hände väll det väll inte så mycket mer där xD , vi åkte hem för att äta.
Just nu sitter jag här hemma hos hulda ( home sweet home ) har nyss bakat rabarberpaj.
I lööve rabarberpaj! Ska bli smaskens ;) .
Nej ska kila nu Ha det bäst hejs ( så länge)!
// Ida
Happy Day!
Yesterday was awesome! I did almost everything that I should and I've just been smiling :)
It began in the morning. I woke up, tired as usually... Idaho came to my house and we bicycled to the school of schools, Noretskolan. The first lesson I worked with "Sweden under world war two". After that we had math and we talked about the class trip to Gothenburg. I am so excited, it'll be hilarious and awesome! :D More things I did in the school day was the national tests in French ( VG+ :O :D ), the English test that I had to do because of the High School year next semester.
In the end of the school day I finished Sweden ww2 at last and that lesson we finally got our school shirts! :D YAY!
I <3 9C
That is the text at our sweaters. And actually it looks pretty good, much better than all the other ones at least :) But the guys weren't too happy when they noticed that they had ordered size small on their sweaters, and yea that was a little bit too small...
When I came home didn't have that much time to pack my bag to the soccer game and then I bicycled to the city. There I met Kimberly and we ate some unhealthy food that wasn't too good before a soccer game. You can probably guess what it was... But we had fun anyway :)
Then it was soccer game, against Malung. And we were so much better than them, we made goal chance after goal chance, but we didn't score. And in the second half they did! So unfair! It felt hopeless and it was just the time and the ball just didn't roll our way. But when it was ten minutes left we got a free kick not far away from the goal. And we scored! An awesome shot and now we had equalized! And not just that, we did another goal when it was just four minutes left, and we won! :D Jihoo, yay, hurray! It was a victory when victorys at its best :)
Later in the evening me and Idaho took a walk in the nice weather and we just laugh all the time. We went to Johanna and Maggi later and they joined us.
Here is a pic when Idaho and me tried to make a jump photo xD
The only bad thing that happened today was probably in the morning when I burned the out meal... Otherwise, an awesome day :D
// Hulda

Summer-break soon!
barapappaba (with the MacDonalds sound) I'm loovin it! :D
From snow to rain
I'm going nuts on the internet, msn is crazy and I just don't manage it. But write in the blog works, so I decided to do that.
First of all I want to tell a little about my weekend and show some pics.
Saturday morning I began my trip to Enköping. The weather was awful! SNOWING! So you can imagine how glad and happy I was to leave my dear town...
Here is the pictureproof:
In Enköping it raind (thank God!) and there we had the resume meeting with the confirmation girls at Johanna's place :) We were 11 people! That's very good, awesome! And we had very fun. Watched movies, watched pictures from the confirmation, talked a lot and ate lots of nice and healthy food. Not, but anyway it was fun fun!
Here is a picture from Enköping too :)<3
The next day I went to the capital of Scandinavia, Stockholm! I was there with my family the rest of the weekend and at Monday we went home by train. Nothing to special happened there besides that I bought a new pair of soccer-shoes :)
At the train back to Mora:
This week will be soccer, soccer, soccer. Funny bunny! Game tomorrow, at Friday and at Sunday too probably... And then I'll have much home work too, so I better go and get some sleep now...
I'll write more later, bye and good night!
The day before weekend
Friday! The day that we are looking forward to at most. The day before the longed-for weekend! A pretty nice day with other words :)
But I didn't have the best start of this Friday. It was snowing. Snowing. And I am cycling to school, so when I came to my dear Noretskolan after that trip I felt like a melt snowman...
Besides that the day has been verry fun :) And I will play a soccer-game today! Because my shin splits are good! :D So now I can finally play again! I am so happy :)
We will play against Älvdalen, so wish me good luck and hope that my shin splits won't start hurting again...
If they do. Well no, they won't! Because now I am feeling good and I won't stop doing it.
Tomorrow we will have a resume meeting with the confirmation gang again :D And this time it will just be us girls who will meet, so it'll be awesome to meet and just be with them for a day :)
The rest of the weekend I will spend in Stockholm with my family. Very nice, very nice :)
And in two weeks will our class 9C (niiäää cääpää) go to Gothenburg for four days. We talked about the trip a lot today in school and I think we will have crazy fun there at Liseberg, Laser Tag, Universeum and just be together with the best class ever :)
I have to go and pack all my stuff for the game and for tomorrow now...
Have a nice weekend everybody! :)
The begining of May
Sorry guys, it's been a while since I've been writing in the blog. But today I'll do it!
My life is good right now, very good :) I haven't tried to run yet though, but my shin splits are defenitely better than before so that's great :D Thank you all who is and has prayed for them, it helps!
Last weekend I was in Transtrand. And let me see, yep, taadah! A picture :)
It was awesome to be there again! To meet all the confirmanders, AND some new people :) They were hilarious and we had a really good time :D
But I don't want that resume meeting to be the last time I'll be in Transtrand with all the confirmanders. I love them, and to be in Transtrand with them is the best thing on earth! <3
This weekend I've been in Malung with Petter and his friends :) <3 We walked around at "Malungs marknad", Petter and me took our first bath of the year and the weather was the best! Everything was the best! An awesome weekend with many laughts and happy people :)
And right now I miss him :(
Here is a picture from "Bullsjön" were we had a grill party last night :D
More things that has happend is that I saw Team Cans today in "FM Mattson Arena". It was nice and I was there with Johanna and Jessica. And theeeeeeeeeeeeeen, I've eaten an ice-cream :)
See ya!
No soccer :(

When you can't do things that you love to do you feel sad.
Man, I hate this. Shin Splints
When I run it hurts, when I jump it hurts.
I don't want it to hurt.
I would like to run and play soccer as much as I want to, but I can't because it hurts and if I practice it will be even worse. Soccer is a big part of my life, and if I will have this back and forth in years, what will happen?
Today I couldn't join the practice, I did rehabilitate at the gym.
Please, make this shit disapear.
My week
I haven't wrote for a while now, so today I feelt it was time to write something :)
Hulda's week:
Monaday: I didn't do too much. Was in school, when I came home I ate some food and went away to the orchestra practice, after that I went to the gym, it was pretty nice. I think I went to bed kind of late that day...
Tuseday: NICE DAY IN SCHOOL! Soccer cup the whooooooooooole day! :D My school (Noretskolan) had a good team, but in the first game we played against Älvdalen, and yea, we thought that they sholden't be that hard to beat. But they were. And we lost :(
After that game it didn't feel to good. Because the next game was against Morkarlby, and they have the best soccer players in town and we felt like the whole Siljan Trophy was over. But we had great attitude and played awesome! The score was 1-0 to them when I got a pass from Mattias and I scored! :D WOHO! So nice :D
Bad luck for us then that they scored when it was like 2 minutes left :/
Anyway, we played good and it was fun :) And our last game we won with 6-0 against Orsa, so we didn't come at the last place atleast.
So after a nice day I came home, the weather was the best and everything was great! And what is happening?
I got "benhinneinflammation" again :( I don't know the English word for it, somthing like "legskininflamation" ? hah, I don't know, but it is so bad I got this, it comes back ALL THE TIME! I didn't feel anything at Siljan Trophy, but when I had soccer practice with my team, then it hurted a lot.. :(
Wednesday: Good day! School was nice as usually. After school I met Kimberly in the city and we ate some food :) After that I cut my hair, and then we went to the inside pool for some relaxing swiming... When we didn't manage swiming more we went home. Or no, we started practecing math :P Haha, because the next day was the nationall tests, and yea it was good to get some practice..
After a funny day I came home late, and went to bed.
And this day it was Johanna and Maggie's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D
Thursday: I had the nationall tests in math, it went good :) And at P.E class we played baseball (brännboll igentligen då) :D
And that day I was with Johanna and Maggie who finally had come back to Mora :)
Today: Will be fun :)
// Hulda
The Pink Bird :)