The trip
Now I've been in the States for two days, but it feels much longer... And the journey from Sweden to the United States took a while too. It began the 13th of August, 3 in the morning when my mum and I woke up in Stockholm. We walked to the bus which would take us to Arlanda but missed it with a few seconds. Bad luck. But 15 minutes later a new bus came so it was no problems.
At Arlanda we took out my ticket and I said good bye to my mom :'( Then I walked to the gate and meet some nice Afs exchange students there. About half an hour later we walked in to the plane and we were ready to leave, but Air France didn't think the same way we did... Someone had checked in his or hers bag and then he or she had not borded, entered the plane. So everyone in the plane had to go out and show the staff which bag/bags which were theirs. 2 hours late the air plane finally flew away from Stockholm and Sweden. Bye bye :(
In Paris we were soposed to fly to Seattle with a plane which would go about one our after we had come to France, but because of the problems in Stockholm we came to late and the plane had left without us. So we walked to the staff and talked to them, and after about an hour there too we finally knew what would happen. We ate some food at the airport and after some more hours we went to the gate and we could enter the plane which this time would go to London. Unfortunately this plane was also late, so when we came to London we had to run to the next plane which would go to Seattle and we were soooooo close to miss it. And we did, or no, our bags did.
So after the ten hour flight we arrived to the United States of America, but our bags didn't. But we were actualy not so worried about it, we were just very happy to be in the States.
After another hour we could come to the hotel and get our rooms there. And there they told me about that I should get up 5 o'clock in the morning and be ready at 6 to go to the airport.
3 hours sleep is not that bad after all...
Next day I and some other Afs students went by bus to the airport, and from there we flew a nice flight for about half an hour to Portland. When we came there we couldn't found the people who were soposed to take care of us. No one.
But after a while we saw someone with a sign who had came to met us, our "Gate way family".
So now, Friday the 15th I'm sitting here on the computer and write about this unforgettable journey. I'm so happy to be here, the gate family is very nice and Monicka the other exchange student who is here from Costa Rica is very nice too. So don't be worried, everything is fine with me and the English works pretty good :)
I hope to get my bags today, but we'll see what happends...
Kramar från Huldis i Portland
hola hulda!!
när jag läser ditt inlägg påminns jag om hur det var när vi tog oss hem från bcn, vi sprang genom gaterna i amsterdam för att precis hinna med flyget hem till sverige!(; bara för att några knäppgökar hade tagit med sin vissa livremmar från flygplansstolarna i det planet från bcn! >förseningförsening< liksom väskan som damp ner utanför dörren en vacka efter hemkomsten ;) a men suck liksom...ibland undrar man ju hur vissa tänker 8p
Iallafall låter det superhärlig att du är där nu!! helt fantastiskt. Ska du bo med costa rica tjejen hela året??! pratar hon spanska?!:D för det gör dom väll där... aja ha det kung!
Oj, det blev visst en ganska lång resa till USA ;) Vad kul att du äntligen är framme iallafall:) och hoppas du får tillbaka dina väskor! kramar<3
Förlåt råkade hålla in enter... du får väl ta bort det om du vill.
Iaf kram på dig och lycka till:D