And so it begins....
Right now I don`t really have anything to write about so this entry is kind of short, but there will be more, I promise.
Om du inte redan deltar, få du gärna tävla här:
Du kan vinna ett hemligt paket till ett värde av TUSEN KRONOR!!
Hoppas du får en bra kväll!
Svara gärna på dagens fråga i min blogg!
Hoppas du haft en bra dag i övrigt!
Now the blog begins dude :D See ya tomorrow, we will rock at the nationall tests! I hope :)
hey Hulda sweet blog lol i am talking to ya right now but yea... sweet i will come to that soccer camp with you lol if i lived in Sweden. ill come over there haha but yea...
ttyl Hulda
hey Hulda sweet blog lol i am talking to ya right now but yea... sweet i will come to that soccer camp with you lol if i lived in Sweden. ill come over there haha but yea...
ttyl Hulda
hey Hulda sweet blog lol i am talking to ya right now but yea... sweet i will come to that soccer camp with you lol if i lived in Sweden. ill come over there haha but yea...
ttyl Hulda
hey Hulda sweet blog lol i am talking to ya right now but yea... sweet i will come to that soccer camp with you lol if i lived in Sweden. ill come over there haha but yea...
ttyl Hulda
heyy! whats up? say hi to john and olov for me:P im soo glad u can come to visit again! anyway i love soccer too!!!! so whats ur team like? our team is U17 that means seventeen and under can play on it. we have had 1 practice so far and im out of shape but by the time august comes around we'll be kickin butt! anyway we miss y'alls and i wish we could talk more for now, adieu! au revoir! adios! what do u say in sweden?, well idk but ttyl:D