About The Pink Bird
Thank you Maggi for dedicating this blog. We have decided to just write in English, because it's more fun and a bigger challenge.
Well, it is Maggi, Johanna and me who are the owners for this blog. We decided to name the blog "The Pink Bird" because I have a pink bird at home...
Today has been a busy day. I was in school, fun as usually. At our P.E class we did something I've never been doing before, we did "peirlaco" (haha, have no ide how to spell it). It started in France and what you´re doing is running on walls, make vaults and just run around and feeling crazy. At first it was scary, but later it felt better and became pretty fun :)
Another thing that hapened today was with our soccer school- team. We will play a tournament this Thursday called: "Siljan Trophy", it will be awesome :D But some guys don't feel so good about this cup because they didn't came in the team. Hope they can accept it because we have a pretty good team without them, but they are very angry (aspesially one person). No name, but you no who. Anyways, I don't care so much about this thing, now I'm looking forward to the cup :)
After school I went to the hospital because I should take a syringe. Then I ate some food and went home as fast as I could to pack all my stuff. I took my bike and went away to my flute lesson, after that I waited for Kimberly :) When she came we went to the soccer practice at Prästholmen. The practice was fun! I <3 soccer.
When it was over we went home and I ate some food.
Now I'm sitting here and writing and thinking of "Klass 9a"... Haha, it's awesome! I'm serius, I love it :) And today it was pretty sad, because the pupils in the class don't want their old teatchers back...
Tomorrow it will be nationall tests in English. That's one reason why I am writing this, to practice... Good luck everyone!
//Hulda :)
The Pink Bird
nemen hulda :D vilken söt fågel! ses snart
Hej !
Vad trevligt att du har skaffat blogg.
Det är en fin fågel som du har på startsidan.
Jag vet inte vad jag ska skriva.
Jag återkommer.
Ja alltså Klass 9a, han Sebastian är så Galet söt!
Det låter ju lite som Mr rar, jag menar,han går också i Klass 9a och är Grymt snygg ;)
BTW du måste komma på vårt öppna hus dude ;)
puss på dig
About the french running thing. Do you mean "Parcour"? Or Le Parcour. It kind of means "By running". I like that very much and has joined a club here in Linköping that do those things. It's really fun.
Yes that's the way you spell it! "Le Parcour" was the thing we did. I k you do that, it is awesome!! :D I wanna do it too! But, I'm to sceard I think.. Anyways, it was fun :)
Kaniner..Det finns många olika sorter en av dom är skogskaniner och en annan är kaninerna som skuttar runt på åkrarna. Dom som bor i skogen har små och korta öron för att lätt kunna springa ner i sina bon, dom behöver inte så långa öron. Men däremot kaninerna som skuttar runt på åkrarna utsätts ibland för att bli jagade och då om dom är mitt ute på en åker så kan dom behöva springa långt för att hinna till sitt bo och gömma sig. Då är det så att kaniner blir väldigt varma när dom springer särskilt på somarena, då är det så att inne i öronen finns det blodkärl som kaninen vädrar sig med ungeför som hundens tunga... Och denna funktion med öronen kallas Earcondition :D
Så Hulda nu har jag skrivit något! :)
Härlig sida förresten!