Schoolfree Friday
Yesterday: The first meeting with WISK, a lot of fun!
Wierd things happened yesterday too, exept for that a great day :D
Today: I've been lazy, don't feel for doing my homework but I guess I have too. I will go to Lilli pretty soon and then take a team picture with tha soccer team. And, I have been talking to my family today! <3 On Skype, and it was awesome! So everybody, get Skype so we can talk for free! It's so much better than expensive phone calls and messenger.
Weekend: Camp Adams with AFS best people :D
Life is awesome :)
Good Afternoon this wonderful Saturday, it is weekend and you can't believe me how much I've been looking forward too this day! Sleepmorning, time for some computer and realxing time, haha I have been exciting to be bored ^^
Last weekend was a busey weekend, I went to California and visited John and his familly. It was a lot of fun, we went to Hollywood and saw the outside of Los Angeles Galaxy's arena and yea it was great :D But I was so tierd when I came home, usch.
But! The week has been so unbelivable good! My youth group is the best (we played lazer tag last week :P), school is nice but some classes are kind of boring though, but I like it anyway because I have so many friends :D
Yesterday was pretty intensive. I left home at 7.35 and came home 10.30. Yey! Party all day :D Not really, I was in school, and guess what I have done?! I have started WISK. And now you are wondering, what is WISK? :0 I will tell you :)
WISK stands for "Wilson International Students Klubb", we will meet every Thursday during lunch at Mr Murphy's classroom and me and Lilli (an exchange student from Germany, she's awesome) are going to make planes and posters for the club today. Isn't that great, it'll be awesome and we have already talked to a lot of people so many people will come :D So I was really glad and pepp that day, because we would play Lincon too! Lincon Lincon, our worst enemy... But we lost :( It was rainy and the field was not nice at all. I played ok but well we lost with 2-1. We will beat them next time at Wilson and yea GO TROJANS!
After the soccergame I went to Sexig Mamma's (Hilary) and Mr Handshake's (Serena) house :) We ate some food really quick and then out in the rain for some football time! Me and Serena were supposed to play in the band, but it was raining too much so we didn't play. Rainy Portland and this is just the begining...
The football game was my first and it was great! Met so many funny and nice people and I enjoyed it a lot :D But I didn't watch that much of the game though because you just hang out and walk around and meet new people :) It was great, but the Trojans didn't play good against Grant at all. We got killed, lost with like 34-0. Not a good day for Wilsons athletes...
Well that was just a quick update. And I have one more thing to say! When we had soccer practice last Thursday a huge rainbow came, like the one in Transtrand. We could see the whole reainbow, and anotherone above it! It was so beautiful! And I got that feeling, this will be good, this will be so good. And it is really good here, I enjoy it so much. Hulda loves Portland :)

Hope everything is awesome in Sweden, I miss it. But luckily I don't have much time at all to think about it, so many things are happening. And this Thursday we'll have our first WISK meeting! :D I will go to Jonny the best now and maybee watch a moovie :)
Hugs from rainy Portland, your Hulda
Last weekend was a busey weekend, I went to California and visited John and his familly. It was a lot of fun, we went to Hollywood and saw the outside of Los Angeles Galaxy's arena and yea it was great :D But I was so tierd when I came home, usch.
But! The week has been so unbelivable good! My youth group is the best (we played lazer tag last week :P), school is nice but some classes are kind of boring though, but I like it anyway because I have so many friends :D
Yesterday was pretty intensive. I left home at 7.35 and came home 10.30. Yey! Party all day :D Not really, I was in school, and guess what I have done?! I have started WISK. And now you are wondering, what is WISK? :0 I will tell you :)
WISK stands for "Wilson International Students Klubb", we will meet every Thursday during lunch at Mr Murphy's classroom and me and Lilli (an exchange student from Germany, she's awesome) are going to make planes and posters for the club today. Isn't that great, it'll be awesome and we have already talked to a lot of people so many people will come :D So I was really glad and pepp that day, because we would play Lincon too! Lincon Lincon, our worst enemy... But we lost :( It was rainy and the field was not nice at all. I played ok but well we lost with 2-1. We will beat them next time at Wilson and yea GO TROJANS!
After the soccergame I went to Sexig Mamma's (Hilary) and Mr Handshake's (Serena) house :) We ate some food really quick and then out in the rain for some football time! Me and Serena were supposed to play in the band, but it was raining too much so we didn't play. Rainy Portland and this is just the begining...
The football game was my first and it was great! Met so many funny and nice people and I enjoyed it a lot :D But I didn't watch that much of the game though because you just hang out and walk around and meet new people :) It was great, but the Trojans didn't play good against Grant at all. We got killed, lost with like 34-0. Not a good day for Wilsons athletes...
Well that was just a quick update. And I have one more thing to say! When we had soccer practice last Thursday a huge rainbow came, like the one in Transtrand. We could see the whole reainbow, and anotherone above it! It was so beautiful! And I got that feeling, this will be good, this will be so good. And it is really good here, I enjoy it so much. Hulda loves Portland :)

Hope everything is awesome in Sweden, I miss it. But luckily I don't have much time at all to think about it, so many things are happening. And this Thursday we'll have our first WISK meeting! :D I will go to Jonny the best now and maybee watch a moovie :)
Hugs from rainy Portland, your Hulda