Rabarberpajs dagen ;)
Så himla härligt dag!. först vaknade jag (så klart) tittade ut och vad får jag se sol! Det har typ inte varit sol på hundra år! Men idag var gud glad, höhö! så jag klädde på mig sommar kläder men precis när jag skulle gå ut så började ös regna, haha vadå otur! Efter det kom Maggi hem till mig (: Med humöret uppe lät vi oss inte nerstämmas så vi tog ett stort big
mamma paraply och knallade i riktning mot huldas hus för att möta henne xD,
När vi äntligen kom ner till stan så gick vi runt i lite affärer, kett kul faktiskt.
Ja sedan hände väll det väll inte så mycket mer där xD , vi åkte hem för att äta.
Just nu sitter jag här hemma hos hulda ( home sweet home ) har nyss bakat rabarberpaj.
I lööve rabarberpaj! Ska bli smaskens ;) .
Nej ska kila nu Ha det bäst hejs ( så länge)!
// Ida
Happy Day!
Yesterday was awesome! I did almost everything that I should and I've just been smiling :)
It began in the morning. I woke up, tired as usually... Idaho came to my house and we bicycled to the school of schools, Noretskolan. The first lesson I worked with "Sweden under world war two". After that we had math and we talked about the class trip to Gothenburg. I am so excited, it'll be hilarious and awesome! :D More things I did in the school day was the national tests in French ( VG+ :O :D ), the English test that I had to do because of the High School year next semester.
In the end of the school day I finished Sweden ww2 at last and that lesson we finally got our school shirts! :D YAY!
I <3 9C
That is the text at our sweaters. And actually it looks pretty good, much better than all the other ones at least :) But the guys weren't too happy when they noticed that they had ordered size small on their sweaters, and yea that was a little bit too small...
When I came home didn't have that much time to pack my bag to the soccer game and then I bicycled to the city. There I met Kimberly and we ate some unhealthy food that wasn't too good before a soccer game. You can probably guess what it was... But we had fun anyway :)
Then it was soccer game, against Malung. And we were so much better than them, we made goal chance after goal chance, but we didn't score. And in the second half they did! So unfair! It felt hopeless and it was just the time and the ball just didn't roll our way. But when it was ten minutes left we got a free kick not far away from the goal. And we scored! An awesome shot and now we had equalized! And not just that, we did another goal when it was just four minutes left, and we won! :D Jihoo, yay, hurray! It was a victory when victorys at its best :)
Later in the evening me and Idaho took a walk in the nice weather and we just laugh all the time. We went to Johanna and Maggi later and they joined us.
Here is a pic when Idaho and me tried to make a jump photo xD
The only bad thing that happened today was probably in the morning when I burned the out meal... Otherwise, an awesome day :D
// Hulda

Summer-break soon!
barapappaba (with the MacDonalds sound) I'm loovin it! :D
From snow to rain
I'm going nuts on the internet, msn is crazy and I just don't manage it. But write in the blog works, so I decided to do that.
First of all I want to tell a little about my weekend and show some pics.
Saturday morning I began my trip to Enköping. The weather was awful! SNOWING! So you can imagine how glad and happy I was to leave my dear town...
Here is the pictureproof:
In Enköping it raind (thank God!) and there we had the resume meeting with the confirmation girls at Johanna's place :) We were 11 people! That's very good, awesome! And we had very fun. Watched movies, watched pictures from the confirmation, talked a lot and ate lots of nice and healthy food. Not, but anyway it was fun fun!
Here is a picture from Enköping too :)<3
The next day I went to the capital of Scandinavia, Stockholm! I was there with my family the rest of the weekend and at Monday we went home by train. Nothing to special happened there besides that I bought a new pair of soccer-shoes :)
At the train back to Mora:
This week will be soccer, soccer, soccer. Funny bunny! Game tomorrow, at Friday and at Sunday too probably... And then I'll have much home work too, so I better go and get some sleep now...
I'll write more later, bye and good night!
The day before weekend
Friday! The day that we are looking forward to at most. The day before the longed-for weekend! A pretty nice day with other words :)
But I didn't have the best start of this Friday. It was snowing. Snowing. And I am cycling to school, so when I came to my dear Noretskolan after that trip I felt like a melt snowman...
Besides that the day has been verry fun :) And I will play a soccer-game today! Because my shin splits are good! :D So now I can finally play again! I am so happy :)
We will play against Älvdalen, so wish me good luck and hope that my shin splits won't start hurting again...
If they do. Well no, they won't! Because now I am feeling good and I won't stop doing it.
Tomorrow we will have a resume meeting with the confirmation gang again :D And this time it will just be us girls who will meet, so it'll be awesome to meet and just be with them for a day :)
The rest of the weekend I will spend in Stockholm with my family. Very nice, very nice :)
And in two weeks will our class 9C (niiäää cääpää) go to Gothenburg for four days. We talked about the trip a lot today in school and I think we will have crazy fun there at Liseberg, Laser Tag, Universeum and just be together with the best class ever :)
I have to go and pack all my stuff for the game and for tomorrow now...
Have a nice weekend everybody! :)
The begining of May
Sorry guys, it's been a while since I've been writing in the blog. But today I'll do it!
My life is good right now, very good :) I haven't tried to run yet though, but my shin splits are defenitely better than before so that's great :D Thank you all who is and has prayed for them, it helps!
Last weekend I was in Transtrand. And let me see, yep, taadah! A picture :)
It was awesome to be there again! To meet all the confirmanders, AND some new people :) They were hilarious and we had a really good time :D
But I don't want that resume meeting to be the last time I'll be in Transtrand with all the confirmanders. I love them, and to be in Transtrand with them is the best thing on earth! <3
This weekend I've been in Malung with Petter and his friends :) <3 We walked around at "Malungs marknad", Petter and me took our first bath of the year and the weather was the best! Everything was the best! An awesome weekend with many laughts and happy people :)
And right now I miss him :(
Here is a picture from "Bullsjön" were we had a grill party last night :D
More things that has happend is that I saw Team Cans today in "FM Mattson Arena". It was nice and I was there with Johanna and Jessica. And theeeeeeeeeeeeeen, I've eaten an ice-cream :)
See ya!